You have a successful, full-time career that makes a salary that you are comfortable with; but you never finished that Bachelor Degree you started when you were young, or you didn’t apply to that graduate program that was of interest to you. Is it still beneficial to go back to school?
School translates to higher pay, but…
Studies show that college graduates make a higher income than high school graduates. Similarly, graduate programs have more prolific results than undergraduate programs. But one of the things the studies don’t mention is that experience pays just as well. For a full-time worker that has several years of experience in a particular industry and only a little education, the income leap from education could be minimal. It’s best to consult your employer in this case to see if going back to school is the right option for you. Some employers may even pay for your education in order to enrich someone within the company; better to promote internally!
Is it too late to start a new career?
Some workers aren’t successful and comfortable. They’ve been at the same job for the past two decades and want a change. It’s a pretty popular trend at the moment for curious minds to pursue new career options in the health care industry due to health care’s exponential growth. But then, is there ever a time when it’s too late to go back to school and start a new career? In this day and age, the answer is no. More and more, older adults are returning to college in order to not only expand their professional options, but enrich their everyday lives. The terms “general education” and “well-rounded” didn’t spring out of nowhere. Not only does college give the opportunity to do a one-eighty career shift, it has the potential to change your outlook on life and your daily knowledge. Whether you are a full-time worker looking to move up in your company, or jump into a whole new industry, don’t be afraid of researching your academic options. You just might find the next step to an exciting and positive change in your life.